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What are the different layers of IOT protocol Stack ?

+1 vote
What are the different layers of IOT protocol Stack ?
posted Sep 4, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Layers of IOT protocol

Infrastructure (ex: 6LowPAN, IPv4/IPv6, RPL)

Identification (ex: EPC, uCode, IPv6, URIs)

Comms / Transport (ex: Wifi, Bluetooth, LPWAN)

Discovery (ex: Physical Web, mDNS, DNS-SD)

Data Protocols (ex: MQTT, CoAP, AMQP, Websocket, Node)

Device Management (ex: TR-069, OMA-DM)

Semantic (ex: JSON-LD, Web Thing Model)

Multi-layer Frameworks (ex: Alljoyn, IoTivity, Weave, Homekit)


Industry Vertical (Connected Home, Industrial, etc)

answer Sep 7, 2017 by Manikandan J
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