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What is Custom Type Converter in Struts2?

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What is Custom Type Converter in Struts2?
posted Sep 13, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Struts2 support OGNL expression language and it performs two important tasks in Struts 2 – data transfer and type conversion.

OGNL is flexible and we can easily extend it to create our own custom converter class. Creating and configuring custom type converter class is very easy, first step is to fix the input format for the custom class. Second step is to implement the converter class. Type converter classes should implement com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.TypeConverter interface. Since in web application, we always get the request in form of String and send response in the form of String, Struts 2 API provides a default implementation of TypeConverter interface, StrutsTypeConverter. StrutsTypeConverter contains two abstract methods – convertFromString to convert String to Object and convertToString to convert Object to String.

answer Sep 14, 2017 by Sourav Kumar