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What is ASP.NET MVC Model Binding System?

+3 votes

Can someone explain me that what is ASP.NET MVC Model Binding System?

posted Oct 7, 2013 by Atul Mishra

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The ASP.NET MVC separates an web application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The MVC framework maps URLs and passes requests to the controllers. It also provides model binding that retrieves data from requests, populates controller action parameters, takes care of the property mapping and type conversion typically involved in working with ASP.NET request data.
See this link it describe the use case with the good example

1 Answer

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ASP.NET MVC model binding simplifies controller actions by introducing an abstraction layer that automatically populates controller action parameters, taking care of the mundane property mapping and type conversion code typically involved in working with ASP.NET request data. Though model binding seems simple, it’s actually a relatively complex framework composed of a number of parts that work together to create and populate the objects that your controller actions require.

answer Oct 15, 2013 by Deepika Soundararajan