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What is type inference? Is type inference available in older versions like Java 7 and before 7?

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What is type inference? Is type inference available in older versions like Java 7 and before 7?
posted Dec 1, 2017 by Jon Deck

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1 Answer

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Type Inference means determining the Type by compiler at compile-time.

It is not new feature in Java SE 8. It is available in Java 7 and before Java 7 too.

Before Java 7:-
Let us explore Java arrays. Define a String of Array with values as shown below:

String str[] = { "Java 7", "Java 8", "Java 9" };

Here we have assigned some String values at right side, but not defined it’s type. Java Compiler automatically infers it’s type and creates a String of Array.

Java 7:-
Oracle Corporation has introduced “Diamond Operator” new feature in Java SE 7 to avoid unnecessary Type definition in Generics.

Map<String,List<Customer>> customerInfoByCity = new HashMap<>();

Here we have not defined Type information at right side, simply defined Java SE 7’s Diamond Operator “”.

Java SE 8:-
Oracle Corporation has enhanced this Type Inference concept a lot in Java SE 8. We use this concept to define Lambda Expressions, Functions, Method References etc.

ToIntBiFunction<Integer,Integer> add = (a,b) -> a + b;

Here Java Compiler observes the type definition available at left-side and determines the type of Lambda Expression parameters a and b as Integers.

answer Dec 2, 2017 by Frank Lee