There are seven kinds of nodes in the Xpath data model:
1. Root node : This node is the root of the xml document and contains all the elements of the document.
2. Element node : For every element in a document there exists an element node that will in turn contain other elements within it.
3. Attribute node : Every element node has a set of associated attribute nodes.
4. Namespace node : Every element has a namespace node associated to it. Similar to attribute nodes the element nodes are parents to the namepsace nodes.
5. Processing instruction node : For every processing instruction in a document there exists a SOLARISTM Kernel - Solaris Internals and Performance FAQprocessing instructions node.
6. Comment node : For every comment contained in a document there is a comment node unless it is a part of the dtd.
7. Text node : All character data are stored in the text nodes. Every text node in itself contains at least one character.