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Small Overview About MERN Stack App?

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What is MERN?

MERN is the abbreviation of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, almost the same with the MEAN stack except MEAN stack using Angular and MERN stack using React. 

One of the most popular web application stack based on Node.js is MERN stack. 

React can integrate with MERN stack as the front end that can access data from Express and MongoDB by consuming RESTful API. 

A command line utility that enables you to work with your MERN based projects easily by providing powerful code generation and scaffolding abilities.

Steps to Create MERN via CLI

npm install -g mern-cli
mern init myApp
cd myApp
npm install
npm start

The video for MERN App


posted Apr 24, 2018 by Madhavi Latha

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  • Works well with really large datasets. The HDF5 files are always read entirely into memory, so you can’t have any HDF5 file exceed your memory capacity. You can easily split your data into several HDF5 files though (just put several paths to h5 files in your text file).​

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MemcacheDB  Commands  supports:

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  • delete
  • stats

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MemcacheQ is a MemcacheDB variant that provides a simple message queue service.

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  • Always-On Availability
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  • Highly Scalable
  • Easy to Use
  • Community Backed
  • Compaction, Streaming and Repair Solved
  • Optimum Total Cost of Ownership
  • Auto Tuning

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