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Fedora: Question about Mate DT

0 votes

I am having problems with mate DT.

If I leave the machine idle for a minute or two, (even with several windows of TB and FF open),
I end up losing the DT altogether. All Desktop icons and panels disappear. Furthermore, even if I do not leave the machine idle (i.e. I am busy on the KB),
then if I decide to suspend to disk, and later on, turn on the machine and resume,
I have no DT, as if I had left the machine idle for a minute or two.
Is this caused by a setting? Which one?

posted Jun 7, 2018 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Do the windows still function? Can you move them around? It sound like the window manager is crashing. Have you checked the journal for any information like that?

answer Jun 8, 2018 by Navneet
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