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Http authentication with SVN?

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Question about the http authentication when using the subversion api 1.8.13.

For example using the svn_client_list3' function: Everytime this function is called the first http request does not contain any Authorization header which leads to a 401 Authorization Required' response.

In my opinion this leads to an unnecessary delay when the function is called multiple times and the same credentials could be used.

When calling this function the svn_client_ctx_t contains an svn_auth_baton_t with set default username and default password parameters.

Now to my actual question:

Can this behaviour somehow be changed or is it just designed to work this way? I also know that the version I'm using is not the newest one so if you think an upgrade to a newer version could lead to some performance improvement please let me know.

posted Jul 18, 2018 by Tarun Singhal

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1 Answer

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You can either modify the auth baton or create your own. See svn_cmdline_create_auth_baton2 in include/svn_cmdline.h and subversion/libsvn_subr/cmdline.c.

answer Jul 18, 2018 by anonymous
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