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How 1.4 mhz is carring 6 RBs in physical layer grid, please share the bandwidth calculation also?

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How 1.4 mhz is carring 6 RBs in physical layer grid, please share the bandwidth calculation also?
posted Jul 18, 2018 by Pratap Kumar

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2 Answers

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answer Jul 20, 2018 by Yeshwanth
0 votes

1.4Mhz = 6RB so as we know BW of RB is 15khz×12= 180Khz
So effective BW for 1.4MHz is
180KHz ×6 = 1.08MHz
Guard band = 1.08-1.4= 0.32MHz
Effective sub carrier are 12×6=72

answer Aug 12, 2018 by Yuvraj Patil
(1.4-1.08)/180 then u will get 6 resource block. here 0.32 is used for gaurd band  its no use.