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GIT: Switching to another hash on branch

+2 votes

How do I switch to a hash on a branch without creating moving to a new branch? Say I'm currently at the HEAD of master, and its hash is aaa. I want to stay on master, only switch to a previous hash... (say eee...)

I know I can use the HEAD~ or whatever, but I'd like to find out how to do it based only on a hash...

posted Oct 16, 2013 by Amit Parthsarthi

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1 Answer

+2 votes

I might be misunderstanding you completely, but haven't you tried git checkout?

answer Oct 16, 2013 by Majula Joshi
git checkout  results in moving me to a * (no branch) - If I was on master before the checkout, after the checkout I am on no branch...Would like to stay on master...
master is actually just a pointer to a commit (”hash" in your terms), in your case, to aaa. So if you switch to another commit (git checkout eee), you can no longer be on master (aaa). You can git-reset, if you dont need aaas changes any more, but bare in mind that it can mess up things if you are using remotes.
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