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Dark Mode helping our eyes could just be a hype

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For instance, the dark mode works better if you have to watch videos which do not require you to focus on the text. On the other hand, the light mode is well-suited when it comes to focused reading as it offers the right contrast.

Dark Mode is in. A lot of apps and operating systems are offering users the option to turn their displays and app interfaces in black, promising less consumption of the battery, and lesser strain on the eyes.

However, the dark mode may not be actually better for our eyes. As Cheddar explains, human eyes are 26% worse at reading when it comes to the dark mode. This does not imply that dark mode is unhealthy for the eyes, but that users need to apply the dark mode when necessary.

For instance, the dark mode works better if you have to watch videos which do not require you to focus on the text. On the other hand, the light mode is well-suited when it comes to focused reading as it offers the right contrast.

The latest report comes shortly after Apple introduced “Dark Mode” in iOS 13. Google is also planning to include the mode in its next Android Q operating system.

Google last year said that “Dark Mode” draws 43% lesser power at full brightness compared to “normal mode” in the YouTube app. This essentially means using “Dark Mode” promises higher battery life.




hindustan times, Google
posted Apr 29, 2019 by anonymous

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