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What Is Program Code? Basis

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Also known as computer programming, coding is the process by which workable and end-user friendly software is created. Put in plain and simple words program code consists of a set of instructions asking the computer to perform some repetitive and complex task. It is perhaps akin to laying down the steps for cooking a recipe. It could be about lighting the stove, breaking and mashing the egg or whisking it, putting it on a pan, placing it on a burning stove, adding oil, and so on. Computers do not have thinking capacity of their own and hence they have to be instructed at each and every step. When preparing a recipe we manipulate and mix ingredients. On the other hand when it comes to programming code, it is more about manipulating and merging of data. This is done with the help of various languages depending on specific requirements and end users. However, unlike human beings, computers have to be instructed in special computer languages and they will not understand the English language or other vernacular languages that we speak, read and write. We will look at some of the major languages and find out why are they used, where are they used and other such useful and pertinent information.


Main Coding Languages

Though there are many coding language, there are a few that are quite popular and commonly used. These include Python, Java, C++, Ruby, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Objective-C and notepad++ portable. Each one is unique in their ways and the serve specific purposes and requirements. In many situations, many developers and coders might use a combination of languages and codes because of specific requirements.

When you choose coding languages like notepad++ portable you can be sure that they will be able to come out with applications and software solutions that are perfectly suited to the specific requirements of the clients. While some applications written in the above codes could be readymade and be available off the shelf, there are many that are customized quite extensively because the needs of the customers could be unique and different. There are some codes like Java that belong to the WORA category, while there are other programs that need to be written over and over again. WORA stands for Write Once, Run Everywhere.


Where Are They Used?

There are software applications that are used on mainframe computers, desktop computers and laptops. On the other hand there are also thousands of small sized and downloadable applications that are suitable for use on mobile phones. These are written in the above codes and some other codes could also be used depending on the type of mobile phones on which they will be used and the purpose for which they are being developed.


Why These Codes Are Popular

Ask any software developer or coder, he or she will talk about the various benefits associated with these coding languages and programming languages. To begin with, they are user-friendly and the syntaxes are quite easy to learn and master. This compares favorably with some old languages like COBOL where the syntaxes were very long and complex. Compiling them and running them would be a big problem. However, this is not the problem with modern day coding languages.

These codes and programs are used for setting up applications, debugging errors and then installing them and making them run for the benefit of customers.


What Is Special About Notepad++ Portable

When we talk about notepad++ portable, we are referring to a tool that is much more than the notepad that we have come across in Windows. It can be used for a host of other purposes and you may not need any other tool. It has syntax support for a number of languages. However, it may not be able to handle everything related to project management and it would certainly require the help and support of some other coding languages and other such tools. Those who have used it believe that it could be one of the best solutions for helping to complete small applications that are not very complex and big. It could be one of the best whenever there is a need for editing single files that are from large projects. Hence, you can handle small tasks of a large project independently, without having to disturb the entire project.


The Final Word

While there are many program codes and software development tools available in the market, the software and application developers should choose a tool that is flexible, and unique. Those who have used notepad++ portable have quite a few good things to say about it.

posted Sep 26, 2019 by anonymous

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A Simple C Program :

Every C program must have one special function main (). This is the point where execution begins when the program is running. We will see later that this does not have to be the first statement in the program, but it must exist as the entry point. The group of   statements defining the main () enclosed in a pair of braces ({}) are executed sequentially. Each expression statement must end with a semicolon.  The closing brace of the main function signals the end of the program. The main function can be located anywhere in the program but the general practice is to place it as the first function.

Here is an elementary C program.




main ()



There is no way to simplify this program, or to leave anything out. Unluckily, the program does not do anything. Following the “main” program name is a couple of parentheses, which are an indication to the compiler that this is a function. The 2 curly brackets { }, properly called braces, are used to specify the limits of the program itself. The actual program statements go between the 2 braces and in this case, there are no statements because the program does absolutely nothing. You will be able to compile and run this program, but since it has no executable statements, it does nothing. Keep in mind however, that it is a legal C program.

main ( ) function should return zero or one. Turbo C accepts both int and void main ( ) and Turbo C coders use both int and void main ( ) in their programs. But in my belief, void main ( ) is not a standard usage. The reason is, whenever a program gets executed it returns an integer to the OS. If it returns ‘zero’, the program is executed successfully. Otherwise it means the program has been ended with error. So main ( ) shouldn’t be declared as void.d as void.

main( ) should be declared as







int main( )




return  0 ;


.For a much more interesting program, load the program






int main ()


printf (Welcome to C language);

return 0;


and display it on your monitor. It is  same as the previous program except that it has one executable statement between the braces.

The executable statement is another function. Again, we won’t care about what a function is, but only how to use this one. In order to output text to the monitor, it’s placed within the function parentheses and bounded by quotes. The end result is that whatever is included between the quotes will be showed on the monitor when the program is run.

Notice the semi-colon; at the end of the line. C uses a semi-colon as a statement terminator, so semi-colon is required as a signal to the compiler that this line is complete. This program is also executable, so you’ll be able to compile and run it to see if it does what you think it should. With some compilers, you may get an error message while compiling, indicating that the function printf () should have a prototype.










int main ()


printf (Welcome to C language);

return 0;


Here you’ll be able to see #include at the beginning of the program. It is a pre-processor directive. It’s not a part of our program; it’s an instruction to the compiler to make it do something. It says the C compiler to include the contents of a file, in this case the system file stdio.h. This is the name of the standard library definition file for all Standard Input Output. Your program will almost certainly want to send stuff to the screen and read things from the keyboard. stdio.h is the name of the file in which the functions that we want to use are defined. A function is simply a group of  related statements that we can use later. Here the function we used is  printf . To use printf correctly C needs to know what it looks like, i.e. what things it can work on and what value it returns. The actual code which performs the printf will be tied in later by the linker. Note that without the definition of what printf looks like the compiler makes a guess when it sees the use of it. This can lead to the call failing when the program runs, a common cause of programs crashing.

The <> characters around the name tell C to look in the system area for the file stdio.h. If  I had given the name “abc.h” instead it would tell the compiler to look in the current directory. This means that I can arrange libraries of my own routines and use them in my programs.

Imagine you run above program and then change it and run it again you may find that the previous output is still stucked there itself, at this time clrscr(); would clear the previous screen.
One more thing to remember while using clrscr()  is that it should be called only after the variable declaration, like
int p,q,r;

Here is an example of minimal C program that displays the string Welcome to C language (this famous example included in all languages ​​moreover been done originally in C in 1978 from the creators of the language, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie) 











int main ()



printf (Welcome to C language);

return 0;


When you execute above program you won’t see ‘Welcome  to C language’ on the  console  because  the screen will just flash and go away .If you want to see the line you can use getch() function just  below the printf() statement. Actually it waits until a key is pressed.













int main()



printf(Welcome to C Language);


return 0;



Welcome to C Language
