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What is ka,Q,V,W bands in NR?Why this is not names in numbers?

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What is ka,Q,V,W bands in NR?Why this is not names in numbers?
posted Jun 18, 2020 by Himani

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1 Answer

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IEEE uses letters to signify a range of frequencies.There are a number of organizations that assign these letter bands.

ka- The Ka-band as defined by IEEE is a frequency range from 27 to 40 GHz.
Q- The Q-Band is not officially recognized by IEEE or ITU, however, it is recognized by ISO as the frequency range from 36 to 46 GHz.
V- The V-band as defined by IEEE is a frequency range from 40 to 75 GHz
W- IEEE uses letters to signify a range of frequencies.W-band as defined by IEEE is a frequency range from 75 to 110 GHz.


answer Jun 22, 2020 by Mohit Mohan
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