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How to find longest path of a given binary tree?

+8 votes
How to find longest path of a given binary tree?
posted Oct 28, 2013 by Sanketi Garg

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Considering the Tree as binary

        b  c
      /    / \
     d    e   f 
    / \        \
   g   h        p

The longest leaf to leaf path would be k-h-d-b-a-c-f-p i.e of length 8.

  1. Calculate the diameter at each node (assuming node as a root of the tree)
  2. Diameter is the height of left subtree + height of right subtree + 1.
  3. Pick the highest diameter amongst all.
answer Oct 29, 2013 by Deepankar Dubey
Check this if this works...
int maxDepth(Node root) {
    if(root == null) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        int ldepth = maxDepth(root.left);
        int rdepth = maxDepth(root.right);
        return ldepth>rdepth ? ldepth+1 : rdepth+1;

int longestPath(Node root)
   if (root == null)
     return 0;

  int ldepth = maxDepth(root.left);
  int rdepth = maxDepth(root.right);

  int lLongPath = longestPath(root.left);
  int rLongPath = longestPath(root.right);

  return max(ldepth + rdepth + 1, max(lLongPath, rLongPath));
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