It appears that in master ( now supports BCP-47, including script names. Does this mean that with the next Android version ("L"?) I will be able to create and use locales like "bs_Latn_BA" or "bs_Cyrl_BA"?
I am currently running KitKat and I don't see a system property that will persist the script part of the locale name. We have just:
I have tried to set the language property to include the script part (setprop persist.sys.language bs_Cyrl), and the value gets stored, but the script part is apparently ignored. If I set the language to bs_Cyrl and the country to BA, I get my dates/times/numbers etc. formatted with Latin values, not Cyrillic (bs_Latn_BA).
Am I correct in concluding that KitKat does not support locale names that include script parts, but that L will (might)? And that it will presumably have a new persistent property that will store the script?