SOAP stands for Simple object access protocol and it describes the distributed processing model. There are different nodes are used and they are termed as SOAP nodes. These acts as a receiver of the processes and allows the access to the messages as well. The nodes consists of the following process:
SOAP sender: it is a node that transmits the message received by the receiver.
SOAP receiver: it is a node that receives or accepts the message passed by the user.
SOAP message path: is a node that sets the path to make it easy for the messages to go along and reach its destination.
Initial SOAP sender: is also called as originator and it sends the message at the starting point of the message path and saves the settings there.
SOAP intermediary: is a in between the SOAP receiver and SOAP sender that contains the SOAP message. It processes the header blocks that forward the SOAP message to the receiver.
Ultimate SOAP receiver: is the node where the message gets received finally. This is responsible for the processing of the contents used by the SOAP body and the SOAP header also included in it.