I have a list of a list of integers. The lists are long so i cant really show an actual example of on of the lists, but I know that they contain only the integers 1,2,3,4.
so for example. s2 = [[1,2,2,3,2,1,4,4],[2,4,3,2,3,1]]
I am calculating the product, sum, max, min.... of each list in s2 but I get negative or 0 for the product for a lot of the lists. (I am doing this in ipython)
for x in s2: Â Â print(len = , len(x), sum = , sum(x), prod = , prod(x), max = , max(x), min = , min(x))
(len = , 100, sum = , 247, prod = , 0, max = , 4, min = , 1) (len = , 100, sum = , 230, prod = , -4611686018427387904, max = , 4, min = , 1) (len = , 100, sum = , 261, prod = , 0, max = , 4, min = , 1)
(prod =, 0, max =, 4, min =, 1) (prod =, 1729382256910270464, max =, 4, min =, 1) (prod =, 0, max =, 4, min =, 1)
Whats going on?