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Mysql Cluster Sync-UP

0 votes

I am running My-SQL in cluster mode with two machine. Want to know if mysql database get corrupted on one of the machine will it force the corruption on the other machine too or in this case sync between two mysql instances will stop after the corruption.

posted Apr 9, 2013 by Salil Agrawal

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2 Answers

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Do you mean the mysql system database, or a specific database/table that's in the NDB cluster engine? The mysql system database falls outside of the cluster realm, so each server has its own independent copy.

I would say though that for most purposes, you probably don't want to use NDB Cluster. It is suitable for very specific use cases, and is 'abused' in other situations.
These days, there are better solutions for many cases, including Galera cluster which is a synchronous replication mechanism in MariaDB 5.5 (-cluster) and above. It's not available in stock (Oracle) MySQL.

answer Apr 9, 2013 by anonymous
0 votes

What do you mean by running MySQL in cluster mode - MySQL Cluster? If so then the data is stored in the data nodes rather than the MySQL Servers and so if bad data is written to one MySQL Server then that same bad data will be viewed through the other MySQL Server too.

answer Apr 10, 2013 by anonymous
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