Strong name is basic important features of .Net. Strong names are used to identified a shared assembly uniquely. Prior to .Net assembly names were protected with the help COM by using a GUID.
However there were the chances to create the different object with the same name. Strong name has solved both the problem. It is divided into four parts as
Assembly name
Version number
A public key
and a culture.
It is used for cryptography purpose. strong name is mandatory for public assemblies before keeping them into GAC(Global Assembly Cache).
How to assign Strong Name:
You can assign strong name to your assemblies with the help of Sn.Exe. it will generate a key for you then you can assign that key to your Assembly.
"Sn –k keypair.snk"
will generate a 1024 bit’s public –private key pair in keypair.snk. Now you just have to add these attributes to your assembly such as
using System.Reflection;
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFileAttribute("TestKey.snk")]