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Why can only read 2^17 bytes in hadoop2.0?

+1 vote

First I use FileSystem to open a file in hdfs.

FSDataInputStream m_dis =;        

Second, read the data in m_dis to a byte array.

byte[] inputdata = new byte[m_dis.available()];  //m_dis.available = 47185920, 0, 20 * 1024 * 768 * 3);

The value returned by is 131072(2^17), so the data after 131072 is missing. It seems that FSDataInputStream use short to manage its data which confused me a lot. The same code run well in hadoop1.2.1.

posted Mar 7, 2014 by Meenal Mishra

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Semantic of read does not guarantee read as much as possible. you need to call read() many times or use readFully...

answer Mar 7, 2014 by Deepak Dasgupta
Yes It worked, thanks

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