Locate the upstart configuration files for the programs; they should be in /etc/init
add the single word "manual" after anything else in the "start on" section for the programs' config files.
After you save your changes, you will find that the programs will only start when you ask them to - not on startup. However, they will still STOP under the same conditions as before. If you want to prevent that too, change the "stop on" stanza as well. Not recommended for MySQL, which definitely should be shut down in an orderly fashion.
For full details on these config files, see "man 5 init". From that man page:
"*manual This stanza will disregard any previously seen start on definition. By adding this stanza on any line below the start on definition, it provides the ability to stop a job from being automatically started. When specified, the only way to start such a job is via start (8).*"