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Simple way to access application in multi instance envirnoment in tomcat?

+2 votes

I'm running a server with multiple instance of tomcat each instance has some apps deployed & accessed with host:port, like

Is there any way to hide the port from users & making app URL simpler with keeping multi instance? like this or any thing near
posted Mar 9, 2014 by Ahmed Patel

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2 Answers

+1 vote

This can be solved by virtual hosting? Try the following link -

answer Mar 9, 2014 by Anderson
+1 vote

What environment do you use? e.g. Windows, Linux, etc. If Linux, what flavour of Linux? e.g. RHEL (CentOS, Fedora), Ubuntu, etc.

What webserver would you like to use? e.g. Apache HTTPD, IIS, nginx, etc. They all have different ways to configure your setup.

Hope that helps.

answer Mar 9, 2014 by Anderson
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