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EDI in Informatica

+1 vote

am trying to map EDI 834 XSD with transaction tables in database.

I want to know some things

1> DO i need to take one expression transformation for one segment from 834 xsd means 1 expression for ISA, one for GS, one for ST and so on

2> whwn ever i am tring to join two expression through joiner, it is sotrting all the values which is disurbing every things

EX. there are 2 ST in one 834 input file and there are 2 INS coresponding to them

in EXP1

and in EXP2

they are in 2 expressions, now when i am trying to join these 2 expression through a dummy condition the output that i am getting is

ST      INS
123     549
123     963
547     549
547     963

means there is no relation whether which INS belong to which ST

the output should be

ST     INS
547    549
123    963

Is there any other solution to it.

Can someone plese tell me how can to do it

posted Mar 19, 2014 by Pooja Bhanout

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1 Answer

+1 vote

The problem seems to be the dummy join condition is failing.

I suggest that in all of your input Expressions you add a port that acts as a row count.

• Add a variable port V_COUNTER (Expression: IIF(V_COUNTER=0,1,V_COUNTER+1))
• Add an output port O_COUNTER which outputs the value V_COUNTER

And you change you Joiner to join on these new O_COUNTER ports.

answer Mar 19, 2014 by Shweta Singh
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File name:input

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The workflowlog >>

Severity    Timestamp   Node    Thread  Message Code    Message
INFO    9/8/2016 5:28:20 PM Node_BIDEV  140284941813504 LM_36621    Command task instance [Convert_csv]: started command [convert], with pid [14121] on node [Node_BIDEV].
ERROR   9/8/2016 5:28:21 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36623    Command task instance [Convert_csv]: execution of command [convert] did not complete successfully with exit code [32512]
WARNING 9/8/2016 5:28:21 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36626    Command task instance [Convert_csv]: previous command [convert] failed and "run if previous command succeeded" option is set, the remaining commands will not be run.
ERROR   9/8/2016 5:28:21 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36320    Command task instance [Convert_csv]: Execution failed.
WARNING 9/8/2016 5:28:21 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36373    Workflow [wf_CUSTOMER_SURVEY_CORE_DailyFiles] is suspended.
INFO    9/8/2016 5:28:22 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36375    Workflow [wf_CUSTOMER_SURVEY_CORE_DailyFiles]: Sent suspension email to email user 
WARNING 9/8/2016 5:28:27 PM Node_BIDEV  140284973283072 LM_36371    Workflow [wf_CUSTOMER_SURVEY_CORE_DailyFiles] is aborting.
WARNING 9/8/2016 5:28:27 PM Node_BIDEV  140284973283072 LM_36322    Workflow [wf_CUSTOMER_SURVEY_CORE_DailyFiles]: Execution aborted.

The command script I am using is

libreoffice --headless --convert-to csv:"Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)":"126,0,76,1,2" /var/opt/load/Sourcedata/CUSTOMER_SURVEY/2016Q2_ML_V1.xlsx

Please help me...
