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MapReduce for complex key/value pairs?

+1 vote

I was wondering if the following is possible using MapReduce.

I would like to create a job that loops over a bunch of documents, tokenizes them into ngrams, and stores the ngrams and not only the counts of ngrams but also _which_ document(s) had this particular ngram. In other words, the key would be the ngram but the value would be an integer (the count) _and_ an array of document ids.

Is this something that can be done? Any pointers would be helpful...

posted Apr 8, 2014 by Ahmed Patel

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Yes, you can write custom writable classes that detail and serialize your required data structure. If you have "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide", checkout "Serialization" under chapter "Hadoop I/O".

answer Apr 8, 2014 by Majula Joshi
- Adding parsing logic in mappers/reducers is the simplest, least elegant way to do it, or just writing json  strings is one simple way to do it.
- You get more advanced by writing custom writable which parse the data are the first way to do it.  
- The truly portable and "right" way is to do it is to define a schema and use Avro to parse it.   Unlike manually adding parsing to app logic, or adding json deser to your mapper/reducers, proper Avro serialization has the benefit of increasing performance and app portability while also code more maintainable (it inter-operates with pure java domain objects)
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