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LTE: When UE sends NAS message to MME before sending rrc connection reconfiguration complete to the eNodeB ?

+4 votes

There are couple of procedures are defined which consist of NAS as well as RRC signalling messages exchange.
Some of the NAS message sends to an UE through RRC Connection Reconfiguration message as piggybacked and some as DL Info transfer.

I want to know, Is there any procedure exists in lte when an UE receives RRC Connection Reconfiguration along with NAS message and responds back to network with NAS message first and then Reconfiguration Complete to eNodeB.

Usually, I saw UE sends RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete message first then NAS response message.

posted Apr 9, 2014 by Vimal Kumar Mishra

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Jii ,
Have u got answer for this...if so respond to me with the answer

1 Answer

0 votes

First reconfiguration message will be sent & then NAS messages.
With SRB1 , NAS message will be piggy backed with RRC messages
With SRB2 , It may or may not be.

answer Jan 3, 2016 by anonymous
RRC Reconfiguration Complete is positive acknowledgement to RRC Connection Reconfiguration message. So, RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete will be sent upon reception of RRC Connection Reconfiguration Message and then NAS messages will be sent if UE NAS transfer to UE RRC.
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