I have not tested by as per the following documentation it is 64 in all three cases http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/identifiers.html
Identifier Maximum Length (characters) Database 64 Table 64 Column 64 Index 64 Constraint 64 Stored Procedure or Function 64 Trigger 64 View 64 Alias 256 Compound Statement Label 16
I have started learning PHP and got a thought about mysql.
I did google and found this stack overflow link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/625930/what-is-the-maximum-size-of-a-mysql-database-in-version-5-and-up
But there are less answers and more discussions. Can someone give me the right answer which has full description in it.
I have a date field on an html form that users may leave blank. If they do leave it blank I want to write the date 01/01/1901 into the mysql table. How can I accomplish this and where in my .php script file should I put the code?