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MySql: Performance boost by splitting up large table?

+2 votes

We have a table with 254 columns in it. 80% of the time, a very small subset of these columns are queried. The other columns are rarely, if ever, queried. (But they could be at any time, so we do need to maintain them.). Would I expect to get a marked performance boost if I split my table up into 2 tables, one with the few frequently queried columns and another with less frequently queried ones? Doing this will require a lot of code changes, so I don't want to go down this path if it won't be beneficial.

Can folks here offer their experiences and learned opinions about this?

posted May 14, 2014 by Mandeep Sehgal

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3 Answers

+1 vote

You can split the table into two and can avoid code changes by creating a view which matches what code is looking for.

I think loading few fields vs 254 into memory will make a difference but if your select statement only have specific fields you want and not the whole row (and also given the fact that you have index on the field you are using to search record), I don't think it can make a difference.

But I will looking forward for more answers to your question.

answer May 14, 2014 by Kiran Kumar
0 votes

There are some advantages to splitting the table. If we use InnoDB as an example:

Storage is row-oriented:
- All those less-needed columns will by stored together in the same page (unless text or blob - in which case it can be a pointer to an external page).
- This can consume more memory than required as the less important columns has to be loaded with the important columns.

Locking is row-oriented:
- Having a non-normalized structure may mean more contention.
- One transaction is updating one part of a very wide row, another transaction is blocked waiting to update a different column. This might not happen in a normalized schema.

answer May 14, 2014 by Sanketi Garg
0 votes

You've already had some good advice, but there's something much more simpler that will also give you a significant boost: a covering index.

Simply put, the engine is smart enough to not bother with row lookups if everything you asked for is already in the index it was using. You'll need to keep the index requirements in mind, of course (most selective fields first, order fields after selection fields, etc) and then append any other fields to the same index.

Hard to say more without actual use cases, of course, but it's well worth looking into as it requires no other changes in application or schema.

answer May 15, 2014 by anonymous
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    // some more code
    // even more code

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