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How can I get CentOS-6.5 rescue disk?

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Google gives many links to such a thing, but when I pursue them I do not get to an URL.
Where I can actually download one.

posted May 26, 2014 by Abhay

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Thanks, I'll try that.

I actually found that a Fedora-20 Live CD (on a USB stick) did the trick. After booting into the Troubleshoot option and then choosing "Boot from local disk" it actually found the current CentOS-6.5 system and booted into it.

I was quite surprised as the system had two other OSes on it - a Fedora-20 partition and an old CentOS partition. I assume the rescue found and used the setup in the /boot partition.

But if it can do this, it seems a pity that grub cannot offer at least an alternative to the flashing "-" it was showing me.

It also seems a pity that the CentOS Live CD does not offer a similar Troubleshooting option.

1 Answer

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Officially from centos project, they doesn't have this kind of thing. you can use centos installation dvd/cd for rescuing your system.

answer May 26, 2014 by Ahmed Patel
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