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data migration in informatica

+2 votes

A large amount of data is coming from source to target. After a successful insertion in target, we have to change the status to every rows as "committed". But when will we know that all datas have come or not in target without directly querying the source?

For example - suppose 10 records have migrated to target from source. We cannot change the status of all the records as "committed" before successful insertion of all records in target.

So before changing the status of all the records, how will we know that 11th record is coming or not? Is there anything that will give me the information about total records in source?

I need a real-time based answer.

posted Jun 13, 2014 by Sunil

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What is the source? Are we talking about a real-time session? Usually you could just use Post-SQL to execute update statement

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