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What is Quasi-Isomorphic Tree? Give a algorithm for constructing it?

+1 vote
What is Quasi-Isomorphic Tree? Give a algorithm for constructing it?
posted Jun 14, 2014 by Joy Dutta

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1 Answer

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Two trees A and B are quasi-isomorphic if A can be transformed into B by swapping left and right children of some of the nodes of A. The values in the nodes are not important in determining quasi-isomorphic trees, only the shape is important.

See the following two quasi-isomorphic trees.
Quasi-isomorphic Trees

Now coming to your second question on construction of Quasi-Isomorphic Tree, since it is between two trees so we can write a function and passing two trees as parameters which can return two or false if quasi-isomorphic or not. Check the following code

struct node
  int data;
  struct node *lchild, *rchild;

bool is_quasi_isomorphic(struct node *treeA, struct node *treeB)
    if (!treeA && !treeB) // Both are NULL so return true
        return true; 
    if((!treeA && treeB) || (treeA && !treeB)) // Only one of them is null so false
        return false;

    return (is_quasi_isomorphic(treeA->lchild, treeB->lchild)
        && is_quasi_isomorphic(treeA->rchild, treeB->rchild)
        || is_quasi_isomorphic(treeA->rchild, treeB->lchild)
        && is_quasi_isomorphic(treeA->lchild, treeB->rchild));
answer Jun 15, 2014 by Salil Agrawal
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