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Join Operation in SQL/MySQL

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What is Join

Join is the operation in SQL/MySQL which is used to combined two tables/database based on certain condition. For example suppose we have two table A and B where A has Employee_ID and Employer_Name where as B has Employee_ID and Employee Name.

Table A

Employee_id  Employer_name
7            Oracle
1            HP
2            HP
4            IBM
6            Infosys 

Table B

Employee_id  Employee_name
1            Salil
2            Avantika
3            Gowri
4            Anil
5            Suraj

Now say we want name of all employees who works in the HP then we can have following join operation

Select B.Employee_name from A join B on A.Employee_id = B.Employee_id

Types of Join

  1. Inner Join
  2. Outer Join
    a. Left Outer Join
    b. Right Outer Join

1. Inner Join

Inner Join is the natural join operation between two or more tables/db where it return only the rows that actually match based on the join predicate. By default if inner word is missing then join is treated as inner join operation.


Select A.Emplyee_id, A.Employer_name, B.Employee_name from A join B on A.Employee_id = B.Employee_id 
The above can be written as 
Select A.Emplyee_id, A.Employer_name, B.Employee_name from A, B where A.Employee_id = B.Employee_id 


Employee_id  Employer_name Employee_name
1            HP            Salil 
2            HP            Avantika
4            IBM           Anil

2. Outer Join

An outer join does not require each record in the two joined tables to have a matching record. The joined table retains each record—even if no other matching record exists. Or we can simply say the union of two tables.


select  A.Emplyee_id, A.Employer_name, B.Employee_name from A OUTER JOIN B on A.Employee_id = B.Employee_id; 


Employee_id  Employer_name Employee_name
1            HP            Salil 
2            HP            Avantika
4            IBM           Anil
7            Oracle        NULL
6            Infosys       NULL
3            NULL          Gowri
5            NULL          Suraj

Outer joins subdivide further into left outer joins and right outer joins depending on which table's rows are retained

2.a Left Outer Jojn

A left outer join retains all of the rows of the left table, regardless of whether there is a row that matches on the right table. Check the following example -


select  A.Emplyee_id, A.Employer_name, B.Employee_name from A left join B on A.Employee_id = B.Emploee_id 


Employee_id  Employer_name Employee_name
1            HP            Salil 
2            HP            Avantika
4            IBM           Anil
7            Oracle        NULL
6            Infosys       NULL

2.b Right Outer Jojn

A Right outer join retains all of the rows of the right table, regardless of whether there is a row that matches on the left table. Check the following example -


select  A.Emplyee_id, A.Employer_name, B.Employee_name * from A right join B on A.Employee_id = B.Emploee_id 


Employee_id  Employer_name Employee_name
1            HP            Salil 
2            HP            Avantika
4            IBM           Anil
3            NULL          Gowri
5            NULL          Suraj
posted Jun 21, 2014 by Salil Agrawal

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