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What is prototype in javascript? What does it do?

+2 votes
What is prototype in javascript? What does it do?
posted Jun 24, 2014 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay

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1 Answer

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Prototype allow to declare method for objects that will be shared between each instance of the objects
Lets take this code

var myObj = function() {};

myObj.prototype.test = function() {

You will call it with
var instance = new myObj();
So test() is now a method of myObj
But since you declared it with prototype, even if you create 100 myObj, the test function will simply be 1 time in memory.

So if we didn't use prototype like so

var myObj = function() {};

myObj.test = function() {

And create 100 new myObj, in memory you will have 100 time the test function

So most of the time (99% of the time) you will want to declare your method as prototype

answer Jun 25, 2014 by Devyani