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What’s the difference between accessing a class method via -> and via :: in php?

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What’s the difference between accessing a class method via -> and via :: in php?
posted Jun 25, 2014 by Karamjeet Singh

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1 Answer

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The -> is used for accessing properties and methods of instantiated objects.
:: is used for accesing static methods or attributes and don't require to instantiate an object of the class.
class Person
var $name = Mohit;

public function getName()
return $this->name;

public static function getAge()
return "24";
$person = new $person();
echo $person->getName();//Require to instantiate an object of the class.
echo person::getAge();//:: is used for accesing static methods(getAge), so don't require to instantiate an object of the class
Mohit 24

answer Jun 26, 2014 by Mohit Sharma
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class A {
  private $v_a;

  // Does all sorts of things and returns a value
  function output() {
   return array('a' => $this->v_a);

class B extends A {
  private $v_b;

  // Takes what output() in class A returns, adds some more and returns that
  function output() {
  $ret = parent::output();
   $ret['b'] = $this->v_b;
  return $ret;

$var_a = new A;

$var_b = new B;


// I want to see the value of v_a and v_b:
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