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How to change the class of the selected HTML element using jQuery?

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How to change the class of the selected HTML element using jQuery?
posted Aug 5, 2014 by Amritpal Singh

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Consider the following html

<button id="button" click="changeClass();">Click Me to change class of  div</button>
<div id="firstDIv" class="first">This is a div</div>

Now when you click on button,changeClass javascript function is called in that function you can write the following line to change class of a div


If you want to toggle the class you can use toggle function of Jquery.

answer Aug 7, 2014 by Naveen Kumar Mukka
0 votes

You can remove and add classes to your selected elements on some events via using removeClass and addClass function of jquery. Here is an Example:



Heading 1

answer Aug 7, 2014 by Karamjeet Singh