An if/fi block cannot redirect output.
if [ 1 == 1 ]; then echo "Hi">>/projects/ods/Chk.txt; fi
As you indicate this is a simple test case, if you need output from a larger block of if/the/else/fi or other logic, you can wrap it all in a process group and redirect that output..
if [ 1 == 1 ]; then
echo "Hi"
echo "nope"
} >>/projects/ods/Chk.txt
Also, it's likely that using == is a problem. Typically you'd use 1 -eq 1 or other constructs like if true ; then, or if you really want good math comparisons, use if (( 1 == 1 )) ; then ..., but older shells may or may not support the (( ... )) test.