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while loading data from Teradata to Oracle using informatica powercenter, we are facing special character issue

0 votes

Teradata : JANUVIA - 50MG – TABLET - 1 BLISTER - 28 TABLET (28.TA) ORacle: JANUVIA - 50MG ? TABLET - 1 BLISTER - 28 TABLET (28.TA)

We are using code page 'ms windows latin 1 (ansi) superset of latin1' for source connection i.e. Teradata.

We are using code page UTF 8 for target

posted Sep 8, 2014 by Sunil

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1 Answer

0 votes

The character "–" is a Unicode character (U+0096). You should change the code page of your source connection to UTF-8. Also, the integration service should be running in Unicode mode

answer Sep 10, 2014 by Shweta Singh
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