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Best Scripting Language for Embedded Work?

+2 votes

We develop embedded software for 32-bit micros using Windows as the development platform.

We are seeking a general purpose scripting language to automate certain tasks, like cleaning out certain directories of certain types of files in preparation for ZIP'ing, generating certain source files automatically, etc.

Selection criteria:

a)Should be able to compile the script interpreter as a monolithic executable (no .DLL dependencies, etc.) for easy versioning and distribution of the script interpreter. (Note that I'm not asking that the script be a single executable, just the interpreter. To run a script you'd need both the script and the interpreter. The script would be a text file, and the interpreter would be a single .EXE.)

b)Should be extensible, in that one could add commands or library functions to the script interpreter in C (for efficiency), and the whole script interpreter could again consist of a single executable with no other dependencies. (Note that I'm not asking that the script be a single executable, just the interpreter. To run a script you'd need both the script and the interpreter. The script would be a text file, and the interpreter would be a single .EXE.)

c)Should be able to spawn compilers and capture the output, do file I/O, and all the other minor expected stuff.

d)Graphical capability would be nice.

I know that Tcl/Tk would do all of the above, but what about Python or any other alternatives?

posted Jul 10, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+2 votes

Python is better than Tcl. Python is Object-oriented where Tcl is a string based Scripting language and weak in data structure.
Check this description

answer Jul 12, 2013 by Satyabrata Mahapatra
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