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Why VoLTE power consumption is high as compare to CSFB?

+4 votes

While going through a article I got to know VoLTE require high power as compare to LTE and CSFB. Is it correct if so then what is the reason of it?

posted Nov 10, 2014 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

No this is not correct , We have tested both 3G voice and VoLTE over AT&T network in USA and found the difference between 3G and VoLTE to vary not by a huge margin ( 8.5 on Volte vs 10 on 3G).
Once the VoLTE call client gets integrated into the modem and we can use shorter DRX cycles then the difference will disappear.

answer Nov 10, 2014 by Saurabh Srivastava
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