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Information on the PCRF, mainly the Sp, Rx and Gx interface.

+3 votes

Looking for the information related to PCRF.

Another specific question. When the PCRF decides on a QOS and sends across to P-GW. P-GW might not have got any info related to Dedicated bearer to be established earlier. So how does it map this newly sent QOS for the new dedicated bearer to the one it requested by P-CSCF.

I am trying to understand, how to map the QOS info sent by PCRF to the "dedicated bearer request by the P-CSCF. Can PCRF on sending the QOS, also create the new dedicated bearer id, which is sent back to P-CSCF ?

Any info regarding with is very helpful.

posted Nov 15, 2014 by Pdk

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


Bearer binding in EPC is done by PDN-GW. When AAR is sent by P-CSCF to PCRF, based on the Media-Component PCRF sends RAR message to PDN-GW(after evaluating policies for service or subscriber).

PDN-GW then does the bearer binding based on the QCI and ARP values. If there is an existing bearer which has the same QCI & ARP values then the rule is applied to the same bearer otherwise a new bearer is created.

In case of EPC LTE bearer id not sent by PCRF when the resource allocation is done by it, it is called network initiated resource allocation.

It is the duty of PDN-GW to do the traffic shaping and QoS management of the packet filters.

Hope that helps.

P.S. You can read about more about in 29.212 and 29.214 3gpp specs

Peeyush Sharma

answer Nov 16, 2014 by Peeyush Sharma
Sorry for the confusion. I meant per subscriber , what all information needs to be stored ?
Gimme some time i'll try to get back by tomorrow..

Meanwhile what i remember is like
Billing Cycle date could be there
Threshold Quota
Service based Quota
Services that are supported for the subscriber are few things that could be there
Thankyou for the quick replies ..take your pbm at all,
Hi   Nice explanation.  For volte call how pcrf linked to P Gw . Wht is the key element to map .
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+1 vote

Hi all,

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Rule1= Reports RatingGroup1
Rule2= Reports RatingGroup2

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Thanks a lot
