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What is SCTP multi-homing and how it benefits ?

+2 votes
What is SCTP multi-homing and how it benefits ?
posted Nov 25, 2014 by Neeraj Mishra

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3 Answers

+1 vote

In short multihome means more then one IP address for a endpoint.

So when two nodes are connected (SCTP association) then same association is having the endpoint connected via more then one path. Which gives internal redundancy to the system from failure from one path. Remember multihoming is maintained at SCTP level and has no relation with IP layer.

answer Dec 9, 2014 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes

Multi homing and multistreaming are the benefits from SCTP.

answer Jul 15, 2015 by Nithin Kp
–2 votes


it is same as TCP.
But only difference is, SCTP is used for BULK transmission of data.

answer Dec 9, 2014 by Chirag Gangdev
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