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What is a chain Constructor?

+1 vote
What is a chain Constructor?
posted Nov 26, 2014 by Manikandan J

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1 Answer

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Chain Constructor:

Constructor Chaining is an approach where a Constructor calls another Constructor in the
same or base class.

Example of chain Constructor code snippet

 namespace ConstructoreChaining  
 class A
     public A()
        Console.WriteLine("ConstructorExampleExample A.");

    public A(string s){

        Console.WriteLine("ConstructorExample A with parameter = {0}",s);


    public A(string s,string t)
        Console.WriteLine("ConstructorExample A with parameter = {0} & {1}", s,t);

class B:A
    public B():base()
        Console.WriteLine("ConstructorExample B.");

    public B(string s):base(s)
        Console.WriteLine("ConstructorExample B with parameter = {0}", s);

    public B(string s, string t):base(s,t)
        Console.WriteLine("ConstructorExample B with parameter = {0} &{1}", s, t);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        B b1 = new B();
        B b2 = new B("First Parameter ", "Second Parameter");
answer Nov 26, 2014 by Jdk
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