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install or boot fedora with encrypted partition

0 votes

I tried to encrypt the disk (option in Fedora) and failed because /boot can not be in encrypted partition. I have only one HDD and it appears that the encrypted option is for the entire HDD. Is there any place in the new Anaconda where encryption can be done for selected partitions? Where? Do I have other options (beyond getting rid of encryption, which may be just too esoteric for me in the first place)?

posted Jul 14, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

1) The /boot partition must of course remain unencrypted, otherwise you can't boot your encrypted system at all.

2) It's in the partition section, you'll have to choose "no encryption" and in the "manual partitioning" section you can enable it for non-system partitions.

answer Jul 15, 2013 by anonymous
Are you sure about that?
Afaicr grub2 was supposed to be able to have /boot inside the encrypted area.
(there still remains some unencrypted disk-blocks though)
This is the first time I hear that, and I wonder what kind of messy hack that would have to be.

A separate /boot with kernels, initramfs, memtest86+, looks like a saner approach.
The encrypted part will happily contain everything else (the system, your data, the swap, including the hibernation data).
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