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What is JSF?

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java-based web application framework intended to simplify development integration of web-based user interfaces. JavaServer Faces is a standardized display technology which was formalized in a specification through the Java Community Process.

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a MVC web framework that simplifies the construction of user interfaces (UI) for server-based applications by using reusable UI components in a page.JSF provides facility to connect UI widgets with data sources and to server-side event handlers

Benefits for JSF

  • Providing reusable UI components
  • Making easy data transfer between UI components
  • Managing UI state across multiple server requests
  • Enabling implementation of custom components
  • Wiring client side event to server side application code

JSF Architecture


Video about JSF Framework

posted Dec 19, 2014 by anonymous

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What is CRM?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing a company's interactions with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.

What is ZOHO CRM?

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More About CRM

Customer refers to an entity that acquires or consumes goods or services from a desired firm (through the process of purchasing or renting) for a mutually decided price and has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers. In this sense a customer is also known as client, buyer, purchaser or user of the products/services delivered or provided by a firm or organization also called the supplier, seller or the service provider.

Relationship in business refers to a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties. It involves interactions with customers or prospects to better understand their requirements and to build an expectation through different channels of communication. The more one interacts, the more chances of building a strong business relationship on the grounds of proper understanding of customers.

Management refers to managing of customer interactions. This does not merely mean customer support but in its true sense aims at mobilizing the entire organization towards management of all interactions with the customers, thus involving a customer-centric thinking and acting.

Zoho CRM is an On-demand Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for managing your customer relations in a better way. Zoho CRM software helps streamline your organization-wide sales, marketing, customer support, and inventory management functions in a single system.

Some of the CRM Modules:
1)Sales Force Automation
2)Marketing Automation
3)Customer Support
4)Inventory Management
5)Data Analytics

Getting Started With ZOHO CRM


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Architecture for Titanium

Architecture Image

Features of Titanium Framework Development

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Advantages of Titanium App Development

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A bug tracking system is normally put in place to store information about reported bugs. This type of issue-tracking system provides a clear, centralized overview of development requests and their corresponding states.

Common Benefits for using Bug Tracking

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  • People seeing issues can look to see if they have already been found.
  • A common source of bug data can make triaging the bugs as a group easier.
  • Bug tracking software allows people at all levels of the product (dev, test, pm, management) to see a common view of the world.

Some of the most popular Bug Tracking Software

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  2. JIRA
  3. Mantis
  4. Trac
  5. Redmine
  6. HP ALM/Quality Center
  7. FogBugz
  8. IBM Rational ClearQuest
  9. Lighthouse
  10. Zoho bug tracker
  11. The Bug Genie
  12. BugHost
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What is ChartsBin?

ChartsBin is a web-based data visualization tool that will allow everyone to quickly and easily create rich interactive visualizations with their own data. You can then share your interactive visualizations with others by embedding them in websites, blogs or sharing via Facebook or Twitter.

Using ChartsBin We can create Interactive graphs easily.


What makes ChartsBin different?

1)Create interactive visualizations online instantly! No installation required. No coding needed.
2)Embed the interactive visualizations in your own website or blog easily (simply copy & paste HTML code).
3)Export the visualizations as an image for presentation.
4)You can embed the interactive visualizations in social media websites (e.g.:,, etc.)
5)We offers a public online gallery of interactive visualizations that have been derived from authentic sources such as books, government documents, technical reports, selected primary journal literature and websites.
Additionally, you can download compiled dataset (CSV, XLS, SQL).

How to Start

Step 1: Create an account in chartsbin (
Step 2:Prepare your Datas
Step 3:Upload your Dataset
Step 4:Then Choose your layout
Step 4:Click Preview and Save

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About Peoplesoft

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To support the PeopleSoft database, following environments are required:

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  • Live production database
  • PeopleSoft application database
  • Testing and acceptance environment
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About SAP

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The products from SAP are used by major companies such as IBM and Microsoft in their businesses.

The enterprise applications provided by SAP are:

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  • Product Lifecycle Management
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What is HTML5 Boilerplate?

The web's most popular front-end template. HTML5 Boilerplate helps you build fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. Kick-start your project with the combined knowledge and effort of 100s of developers, all in one little package.

HTML5 Boilerplate helps designers to get started with the new standard by offering a professional front-end template that allows you to create a fast, robust and adaptable site with a set of HTML5-ready features and elements.

You can download a full version by using below link.

Core features in HTML5 Boilerplate


Structure of HTML5 Boilerplate
Structure image

Video Tutorial for gettig started in HTML5 Boilerplate
