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Why there is separate NAS Security procedure in LTE while it is not in UMTS?

+2 votes
Why there is separate NAS Security procedure in LTE while it is not in UMTS?
posted Jan 7, 2015 by anonymous

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For NAS security mode command ,input giving to CMAC (integrity check) function at both UE and MME side are same but still im getting intgrity check failed ,for exp:
1) KEY = \xef\x6b\xee\xda\x7f\x66\xc5\x67\x34\xa6\x1b\xcf\x1e\x8f\x12\x87.
2) COUNT = 0.
3) BEARER ID =0.
5) mesage = \x07\x5d\x22\x00\x02\xe0\xe0.
6)sequence no. = 0x00.
please can you explain me with this example ,what will be the final message(message forming) M.

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