I am having trouble to transfer email user account which is saved in MySQL to another server. Here is the detail:
I have an old email server which using MySQL to store user account information. The password field uses MySQL ENCRYPT function to save the users password. So if I want change the user's password I can do:
SET password
= ENCRYPT( '12345' ) WHERE CONVERT( users
USING utf8 ) = 'g@veecall.com' LIMIT 1 ;
Then the new password "12345" saved in the table as string of "2I6JOeg.JukJ."
Now I build a new server using iRedMail. When I try to transfer user account I have trouble to transfer the password field. Because the iRadMail/dovecot is using MD5-CRAM to encrypt the password then save it
in the MySQL. All the password string is started with "$1$".
So, is there a way to make the MySQL encrypted password string "2I6JOeg.JukJ." convert to MD5 hash "$1$................."?