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informatica show the latest Status based on 2 attributes

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I need to show the latest Status based on 2 attributes (LAST_UPDATE and STAUS)
How can I do it in informatica? the source is flat file


NUMBER --------------------LAST_UPDATE ----------------- STATUS  
-----1 -----------------------01/26/2015  ----------------------   CREATED                  
-----1 ----------------------   01/27/2015  ------------------UNDER_PROCCESS                           
-----1----------------------    01/28/2015  ---------------------COMPLETED  
 -----2---------------------- 01/28/2015 ------------------ CREATED  
-----3---------------------- 01/28/2015 --------------------- UNDER_PROCCESS

Result should be

NUMBER --------------------LAST_UPDATE ------------- STATUS  ---------------LAST_STAUS  
-----1 -----------------------01/26/2015  ----------------------   CREATED -----------COMPLETED                 
-----1 ----------------------   01/27/2015  -----------------UNDER_PROCCESS ---- COMPLETED                           
-----1----------------------    01/28/2015  ---------------------COMPLETED ----------COMPLETED  
 -----2---------------------- 01/28/2015 ------------------ CREATED  ---------------- CREATED  
-----3---------------------- 01/28/2015 -------------UNDER_PROCCESS --UNDER_PROCCESS   
posted Feb 9, 2015 by Amit Sharma

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1 Answer

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You can either use an Aggregator transformation or do it in an Expression transformation using variable ports.

Using Aggregator
1.In a sorter transformation, sort on NUMBER and LAST_UPDATE, in ascending order
2.In aggregator group by on NUMBER. Optionally use the LAST function to get the latest status. By default Aggregator will output the value for last row for STATUS.
Use a joiner to join the output of Aggregator and Sorter.
SQ ----> Sorter -----> Agg----> Joiner ----> Target

Using Expression
1.Sort the data on NUMBER (ascending) and LAST_UPDATE (descending)
In expression transformation:

NUMBER (i/o)
STATUS (i/o)
Make sure the order of ports is correct.
answer Feb 11, 2015 by Shweta Singh
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10       a,b,c
20       d,e,f

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id    |   value
10       a
10       b
10       c
20       d
20       e
20       f

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