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How to cross-compile a library such as microhttpd.a?

+2 votes

I need to use microhttpd.a and pthread.a to build a cross-compiled program to be deployed on an arm-linux-gnueabihf device.

Where can I find instructions on how to do this? Or, is this simply a matter of downloading the source code and compiling (on a 64 bit UbuntuPC) to a library with my existing gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.8 cross-compiler?

While I may be able to find microhttpd.a and pthread.a binaries for an arm-linux-gnueabihf device, they will likely have been built with a different version of gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf, which, I fear, could open up a can of worms.

posted Feb 11, 2015 by anonymous

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