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Apache: Indexing in openldap

+1 vote

I want information regarding adding index on an ldap attribute.

My directory structure is like:

ObjectClass Hierarchy: Company=>Department (In dc=example,dc=com)

Inside ObjectClass"Company", One of the attributes "UserID" to be indexed. I have added index on the same as per following in slapd.conf:

index UserID eq

Kindly let me know whether it is the correct syntax of defining an index.

posted Feb 17, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

looks OK to me. In order to have slapd take notice of that you have to write it into olcDatabase={n}{type}, cn=config as attribute olcDbIndex.

with n being the running number of the Database (such as 2), and type being the type (such as bdb) of the Database.

answer Feb 18, 2015 by Vijay Shukla
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