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Who controls putting process pids in different cgroups on android?

+1 vote

Who controls putting process pids in different cgroups? Kernel or Userspace/Framework?

posted Jul 22, 2013 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Servicemanager uses file-system config to isolate services and the directories they can access so if u want services to write/read to some place at the file-system then this config must be modified or you can add that service or process which it's in to a group.

Checkout android private file-system config.

answer Jul 22, 2013 by anonymous
+1 vote

The low-level user-space cgroup code is in system/core/cutils/ .grep for cgroup there and find the low-level API name.
I recall that the higher-level user-space cgroup that makes the policy decision isin ActivityManager, in frameworks/base. grep for the code that callswhatever API name you found above.

answer Jul 22, 2013 by anonymous
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