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What is the DEA and how it is different then DRA?

+2 votes

While answering a question I suggested use of DEA but back in the mind I tried to find what is DEA and how it is different from DRA.

posted Mar 9, 2015 by Salil Agrawal

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1 Answer

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On behalf of Bart
How I see it the DEA is secured DRA.

In previous post I referred to DRA just after the FW, used to hide topology from other VPLMNs.
Instead of involving the security team and ask them to fitler out something on the FW, and then ask DRA to remove unwanted AVPs, you could put this on DEA.

answer Mar 9, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
Can you expound the answer a bit?
The DEA functionality is used for roaming purpose.It is implemented at nw edge thats why it is called Diameter Edge Agent.In this mode it implements the topology hiding features between Operator 1 and Operator 2 nw for roaming scenerios
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3GPP TS 29.272 says in section 7.1.6/ Routing considerations the following sentence:
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In Diameter Base Protocol RFC 6733 you can read the following :
6.1.4. Processing Local Requests
A request is known to be for local consumption when one of the following conditions occurs:
o The Destination-Host AVP contains the local host’s identity;
o The Destination-Host AVP is not present, the Destination-Realm AVP contains a realm the server is configured to process locally, and the Diameter application is locally supported; or
o Both the Destination-Host and the Destination-Realm are not present.

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This error is given when Diameter cannot deliver the message to the destination, either because no host within the realm supporting the required application was available to process the request or because the Destination-Host AVP was given without the associated Destination-Realm AVP.

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